Sunday, 25 May 2008

The times, they are a'rainin' . . . . .

Went to water and 'weed' this morning, and all's in-one piece, thank the lord (or lady) of your choice. I was worried yesterday evening with the warm sun which expands the skin on the tunnels all day, then the winds then get under the extra flappage; these were the incoming booms of yesterdays post. I pushed a hoe about for an hour, like a sullen janitor being teased by his unruly class of Docks, then came away to get ready for another week away (and those weeds so recently disturbed, shaking their roots, climbed happily back into the soil to start sledging the Cornflowers all over again)

Definitions of nutter on the Web:

  • A foolishly insane person, but one who is generally harmless. Also, a person may be called a nutter if they have done or are planning to do ...
  • An insane person (as in "you're nuts").
  • JP x