Letters stuck on the side of a vehicle shouldn't make me feel this good but they do...I can't stop grinning.
Big hugs to Nathan (the best graphic designer in the universe) for painstakingly peeling off the backing paper instead of watching the football last night and for sorting out the wiggly "m" with a pin and lots of patience.
I almost felt a bit shy driving around today but also ridiculously proud.
More pictures please.......
Jon said I couldn't have a chair but I've sneaked one in whilst he's been away.
Shed's are great and I love it already.
And Finally...........Flowers in Shed. I've just cut these for Leslie's Flower Shop in Frome for an organic wedding on Saturday. I had a lovely time cutting them and Karen is coming to pick them up early in the morning. It's beginning to feel as if the planning stage of this business is over and things are finally beginning to happen.