Monday, 12 May 2008


That was it - I remember now! It was a conversation, long ago with the one and only eco-visionary Liam Egerton (now measuring cow-flatulence for the Australian government in Melbourne) To put him in context, Liam appeared so far ahead of everyone else, he got bored waiting and moved on. When everyone eventually caught up, all they found was a pair of trainers, a Rush CD and some fluff. His take on 'transitional ethics' seemed brilliant to my troglodyte Welsh brain; i.e. how does one gets from A to B (where A = Bad, B = Good)? Easy, by substituting letters for integers and increasing the range i.e. from 1 to 10 (where 1 = Bad, 10 = Good) How does that relate to flowers, clay, Docks and beauty? I'm not sure, but I need to be at work . . . . . . .
visionary (adj.)
"able to see visions," 1651, from vision (q.v.). Meaning "impractical" is attested from 1727. The noun is attested from 1702, from the adj., originally "one who indulges in impractical fantasies."