Saturday, 10 May 2008
Sweating like a . . . . (add your simile here, best answers receive a free bunch of sweet peas) . . it's been so warm?! Saturday, and Finn and I were up with Jo at Hackmead today, me; digging out the paths and raising the last of the usable beds, Finn potting up in the sweltering polytunnel heat, Jo planting out. It's all becoming real, the two dimensional idea ('let's do this!) into three dimensional actuality ('we WILL do this!') turning into 4-dimensional madness ('how the HELL are we going to do all that?!') Two days ago we cut all the sweet peas that were ready or nearing ready to go; 48 hours later; 142 new long stems, vase perfect and looking like they'd been there all the time and we just hadn't noticed them (like trying to watch the moon actually move across a night sky).
But the beds are getting there, we've lost a few that we've had to cover with mypex to the south, and some we've made mistakes with their construction, but most should all be ready to plant this week. And now it's the selling, the marketing, the pricing, the haggling, the valuing, the guessing, the hoping, the trusting and the luck (or is it skill?) of turning this all into revenue. I think that's as exciting as growing them all in the first place though!