After an incredible series of coincidences something amazing has happened this week. As from the 1st January we will be the tenants of what could be the most beautiful Walled Garden in the world. (Superlatives are acceptable in this situation). About one and a half acres in size and situated in the centre of the the gorgeous village of Mells, Somerset it will be the perfect new home for BOB.
Until very recently the garden has been the home of the lovely Meadows plant nursery but Sue and Eddie have recently moved on leaving the garden in need of new hands. It's actually two gardens with one half being laid out to established perennial borders and plant standing out areas and the other half essentially empty, just waiting to be planted out with rows and rows of cutting flowers
We'll have to wait for a couple of years for the garden to become certified organic so will continue operating mainly from the farm until we move down properly in Autumn 2010. In the mean time though we have some exciting plans for the Walled Garden including running workshops on growing and arranging cut flowers from your own garden and holding some Open Days throughout the Summer so you can come and share a cup of tea and piece of cake with us and maybe buy some plants for your own cutting patch.
Watch this space, I'll keep you posted.