Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Recession and Downturn

As it's been nearly three weeks since we've posted anything, I thought I would weigh in with some sombre musings on how the impending recession, downturn and credit crunch coupled with some comical and amateurish governance might conspire to pull the rug from under B.O.B before she's even built up a head of steam. But then I thought better of it. I'll leave Jo recount the latest markets, weddings and other opportunities which have cropped up; it's been really busy, ontop of the growing needs to prepare, sow, cultivate and get ready for next year. We're both looking forward to a long weekend down on the Gower at the end of the month, getting wet, covered in sand and best of all; sleeping . . . . Meanwhile we push on. These two pictures are of the landy stuffed to bursting point last Sunday morning as we went off to the Love Food Festival at the Paintworks. It started slowly, but turned out great in the end.
The Sweet Pea tunnel is cleaned out now and we've started digging in the manure that we were given, hopefullywill get that all finished in the next week or so and covered up with Mypex. Then go to work humble Lumbricus terrestris, do your magic!