A slow start, a gentle middle which eased off to a stately and quiet end. Hmmm. It hit us both at about the same time; around about 11 a.m.; we'd had lots of interest and lots of well dressed window shoppers; but everyone seemed to be looking at us as purely 'sellers' and not 'growers'. At the farmers markets it's evident that Jo grows everything on our stand but today we just looked like a hungover florists (I speak for myself there, and in fact; just hung-over). It was only a couple of customers who had worked or trained in floristry that recognised what Jo's blooms represented; I reckon about 80% of our sales were purely 0n visual impact alone; which is great in itself, but begs the question that does the fact Jo coaxes these things out of our own ground in fact matter? Does it matter how, where and why the flowers have arrived? It does to us, obviously, but does it to whoever hands over the folding and chinking stuff?
U.S.P. Unique Selling Point. I think we have to work on it before next weekend's market; we know what it is, but we maybe have to spell it out more clearly for potential customers? Although I'm not that confident of my ability to spel corecttly.
Let's get spelling!